Interior and Exterior Geography

You are projected like a map
As if you could be put upon a grid.
All that flows across my charts
From you, in need, is laid out and clear.
But I am lost.

The body signals passion –
The arms reserve.
The eyes may flash with wit
And then, again, with fear.
I am confused.

The mind sends clear constructions
Of overlaying functions,
Analyses as straight and true as light.
It cuts across the darkness of your night.
But I am blind.

And then the heart.
Where is the map that understands its turns?
What road is there
Thru its chambered pain?
I am bemused.

Latitudes and longitudes of you:
How do I ever know what’s true?
It’s a study for which there is no school;
A discipline that marks the student: Fool.



Stand in the rain
Dreaming my dreams
Listening for you.

Stare at the clouds
Suspecting my schemes
Rejecting what’s true.

Pass by at dusk
Missing our marks
Hearts all askew.

Dare not to speak
Drifting in place
And again anew.

Cry in the night
seeing your face
Listening for you.

I Miss You

I miss you
When the dawn
is false against the sky
and the mist steams in the hollows
effervescing into warmer air.
And in the morning
As the softening winds
Mingle in the sunlight
Promising the day.
When the sun is high
And I bask in heat and sweat
And see your face
Float within the space before my eyes.
And in the night—
The night of fog and fear,
The capstone of the pain,
The end of the possible.
When fog drifts across the moon
In ghostly shrouds
And spreads the pale light
Like dust across your mind,
When fancy grabs the heart
And melds memory to mush,
When proof is given
That nothing possible is real,
When sleep threatens—
The final total dark,
Assuring failure for all dreams,
And when I cannot touch.
When every wish is gone
And I am left with myself
And I don’t like what I see
And know the view won’t change.
When wrenching empty nights
Emphasize the loss,
Prove permanence of pain—
And show no hint of hope
I miss you.

I Don’t Love Her Anymore

Once I loved a woman
Who thanked me
For poems and soft hair.

Well, the poems may sound stilted
In the morning,
And as for hair,
It just falls out.

All that’s left, I guess
Is the memory

Of a distant love.

It’s not hard, you know –
You focus on the now of it,
Spend your effort on the how of it,
And time goes by.

Made a few bucks,
Did a few deals,
Had some fun
Almost in spite of myself.

Ought to get easier;
Walk it off, in the woods,
Skimming rocks across the stream
And watching the geese fly South.

Back in the City,
Into the flow,
Busy as hell
On purpose.

That’s the end of it –
End of the story
Easy to understand,
Easy to survive.

All you do
(Take it from me)
Is just go straight ahead,
Don’t look back,
Just don’t think at all.
Living out my life may be a bore
But it’s nice that I don’t love her anymore.

Floating Gliding Burning

Floating in Fog
Skim on the marsh
With the birds
At dawn.

Gliding in light
Come with the sun
At its breaking.

Burning in day
Dripping our wax
Into the brightening.

I You
Rising Flowing
Just for a
And then
We You (I?)
Are (am?) gone.

Whispering to wind
Is heard?
We you I
Dream ing
And sailing …..



Once when we went dancing
In a ballroom streaked with light
Your eyes were brown, your feet were prancing,
And the yellow glow banished fright.

Swirling, juggling, swooping, swaying,
Cutting grooves into the darkness,
Drifting with the music playing,
Golden pools against the starkness.

A glass of wine, a midnight toast.
A strident story, a light projection,
A jest, a laugh, asides, a boast,
A night defined by gay convention.

No fear, no problem here, my dears,
No evil shapes against the shades,
No risk of loss, just waltz and cheer,
Just dance before the music fades.

Too soon the drum crashed through its shell,
Too soon the violins sour,
The lights squished out, the candles fell.
Darkness wins back each hour.

Quick-kindle lights,
Quick-ring the bells:
Quick-save the night,
Ward off the hells.

What’s that you say?
You’ve lost your legs?
Your arms are dead,
Your head on fire?
You mean to say, the night has won?
In spite of dancing, wine, desire?

Nights weaves grey walls
From strips of skies
That drip with lies
And bleed all seams,
And nighttime calls
From might have beens
And trips and dies
Like nascent dreams.

You think you win when you play?
Nighttime wins. It kills the day.
And what’s your role? You know, you bitch.
You held the knife. You threw the switch.
There once was hope. Remember when?
You drowned it. It won’t rise again.
So live your life, its patterns set,
If you won’t give, you just don’t get.

And if you think my heart won’t hurt,
Go out and find it in the dirt.
Just remember, we’ll both look fine.
Living cool, behind the line.

What’s really lost?
The total cost?
What never grew:
Two lives askew.


Points of light and colored arrows
Cut the dark with shards of pain,
And glisten hard within the night,
Slicing life against the grain.

If dropping crystal breaks the sphere
And paves the ground with sparks of glass,
Then dripping feet will soak the earth
And stain to red the growing grass.

There is no way to mend the breaks
And paste the bits, rebuild the whole.
I say, “I’m sorry,” but in truth
Apology is not the goal.

And if I break a harder thing
And shatter love in time of need,
It’s useless still to beg for help,
Though both need help; we only bleed.

Not all are perfect, not all kind,
Not all judicious, sober, true.
I give all things that I can give
And simply say: I love/need you.

Communications (responsively)

Sometimes, I don’t say it right,
Sometimes, I just fail.

Sometimes, I can’t sort the light
From out of dark constraints.

That does not mean that I’ve lost sight –
I love you all the same.

Sometimes, I must say it hard,
Sometimes, it’s how I feel.
Sometimes, all my thoughts are marred
By missing what is real.

And yet you know that, late at night,
I still call out your name.

Sometimes, I say it all confused,
Sometimes, it’s all askew.
Sometimes, that makes you quite bemused –
Sometimes, it saddens you.

Even then, with all my might
I love you without blame.

Sometimes, I don’t speak at all.
Sometimes, I seem so cold.
Sometimes, my mind falls in a pall,
And feelings are not told.

That does not mean that I’ve lost sight –
I love you all the same.


Approximately 19 Lines of Apparently Blank Verse

There was a moment
Soft as gentle memory
Warm as a glowing fire
Intertwining –
Refining –
Slightly tangled in its dawning, but
As stars burned deep onto the night –
and then
Humming/purring and unfurling,
Releasing flowers and moist perfumes ….

There was a moment – and
It was you.


None of this is what I imagined. [Ed note: rare confessions]

All of this is unexpected.
Coincidences – incenses –
Somewhat eager ambivalence.
Touching touchings. [ultimate alliteration?]

Playing with the forms
From the worst position:
Bound by chains
Prometheus of America
Living the modern illusion [Ed: poet insists on one classical allusions, however embarrassing]

Calling it love.

We annotate ourselves
With marginal reference
Explaining ourselves
To ourselves – who else would care?
Just a chance for gossip
Casual aside
And then, forgotten. [self-pity]

And you? The same you see:
The last thing I thought was: you are me. [concluding clever couplet: all done – turn to next poem]

[P.S. Ed. loves you]
