Want it need it had it lost it
Chased it pocketed it
Invested it divested it
Bought me stuff and people too.
Honey honey honey
Want it need it had it lost it
Chased it, ate it
Ingested it regurgitated it
Got me stuff and people too.
Bunny bunny bunny
Want it need it had it lost it
Chased it effaced it
Constructed it deconstructed it
Got me stuff and people too.
Money honey bunny
Wanted them needed them had them lost them
Injected them rejected them
Huffed puffed roughed the stuff and people too.
How much money does my honey bunny
Need to clutch inside her hutch.
Money really is very funny
Buying people, buying stuff.
Money drizzling down all runny
Slimy to the mouth and touch.