I Don’t Love Her Anymore

Once I loved a woman
Who thanked me
For poems and soft hair.

Well, the poems may sound stilted
In the morning,
And as for hair,
It just falls out.

All that’s left, I guess
Is the memory

Of a distant love.

It’s not hard, you know –
You focus on the now of it,
Spend your effort on the how of it,
And time goes by.

Made a few bucks,
Did a few deals,
Had some fun
Almost in spite of myself.

Ought to get easier;
Walk it off, in the woods,
Skimming rocks across the stream
And watching the geese fly South.

Back in the City,
Into the flow,
Busy as hell
On purpose.

That’s the end of it –
End of the story
Easy to understand,
Easy to survive.

All you do
(Take it from me)
Is just go straight ahead,
Don’t look back,
Just don’t think at all.
Living out my life may be a bore
But it’s nice that I don’t love her anymore.